Visa Services

Visa Services Office in Kamloops, BC

If you're planning an upcoming trip to a foreign country that requires a visa, Pilkington Immigration can help you secure all the documentation you’ll require to travel there legally. Our visa services office in Kamloops, BC, smooths the path to all sorts of destinations for clients who have a variety of agendas. Our practice has decades of experience working on visa and immigration issues.

Avoiding Problems at the Border

We understand that clients who come to us for help obtaining visas require timely assistance in order to reach their goals. We have the ability to handle most cases in a prompt manner without sacrificing any attention to detail. Whenever you have a question or concern, we'll address your issue thoroughly.

Pilkington Immigration works hard to protect the rights and interests of clients from throughout the Kamloops, BC community. Our goal is to reduce any anxiety you might be experiencing before your trip or difficulties you might encounter during it. Contact our visa services office today to speak with a professional about your needs.


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Business Hours

Monday to Friday
9:00 to 5:00 by appointment

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